In the end, everybody should be satisfied. “But sometimes you can see that people are not used to certain driving manoeuvres, or the dynamics of the Audi RS e-tron GT, for example,” says Broeker with a grin. Under the guidance of professional instructors and on prepared terrain, the Audi driving experience can and should push you to your limits. There is also a safety aspect to this, Broeker explains. “The learning effect is particularly great during our winter training sessions.” It's not just about acceleration and speed, but about feelings and experience.
“Vehicles today offer more and more technology and features – it’s our job to explain to the participants what such a vehicle can actually do under real conditions and how systems interact.” Broeker knows that you can only become better when you try things out, test them, feel them, and drive courses in different settings. “What does change and how does it feel when you go through the different modes in Audi drive select, for instance? What makes the quattro four-wheel drive so special, or how do I sit properly behind the wheel?